How is the procedure done?
Hair loss is one of the most common aesthetical problems people experience in their appearance. The problem appears because of several causes, besides genetic factors. Since the lack of hair, or the sight of hair loss has great impact on our appearance, lots of people search for a solution to this problem. In this article we will try to give an adequate answer to what hair transplantation is, how it is done, and what to expect from the result.
What is hair transplantation?
In short: hair transplantation is the medicinal procedure to help people who suffered hair loss, regain healthy hair. In our modern living circumstances, an average of 1 out of 3 men, and 1 out of 5 women experience problematic hair loss. Next to genetical factors, there are a few general factors that frequently cause hair loss. Among these factors are: mal nutrition, fungal infections, the usage of certain medicines, suffering periods of severe stress… Even if the underlying reason for the hair loss can be cured, the suffered hair loss is frequently found to be irreversible. For people who pay attention to their physical appearance, hair transplantation tends to be the only solution. The developments in modern medicine have led to several techniques that adequately solve the problem of hair loss.
Hair transplantation is the general term for a group of aesthetical procedures, that is being performed to regain hair growth with people who suffered hair loss due to: age, genetic factors, disease or accident. The history of these aesthetic procedures can be traced back till the 19th century. As the surgical techniques evolved, hundreds of thousands of people all over the world have started to take part in hair transplants. Compared to other aesthetic surgery procedures, the patient can resume his/her daily activities and re-enter social life a lot easier and sooner after a hair transplant. This last fact is one of the main reasons that hair transplants are undergone quite frequently.
What Are the Frequently Used Techniques For Hair Transplantation?
Hair transplants are not conducted in only a single type of procedure. There are several kinds of surgical procedures that can be used to perform a hair transplantation. The most frequently used hair transplantation techniques are also the ones that give the most satisfying result, specifically: the Sapphire FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) and DHI (Direct Hair Implantation) techniques. Both these techniques have their own advantages and disadvantages.
1. Sapphire FUE Hair Transplant
In the sapphire FUE hair transplant technique, the incisions and micro-channels in the area where the extracted follicles are going to be transplanted to, are made using natural sapphire blades. The Sapphire FUE technique, which is one of the most frequently used, does not scathe the scalp, nor does it cause bleedings on the scalp. This automatically results in a speedy and comfortable recovery and the result looks very natural. This technique gets its name from the crystal gemstone Sapphire. Since the blades used to make the incisions in this technique are made from this natural material.
Before a hair transplant through Sapphire FUE is performed, the patient is taken to an initial consult with the attending doctor, to have a preliminary conversation and to get examined. After completion of the general examination and the examination of the scalp, the type of hair loss is determined. Then the doctor decides what treatment will be applied, taking into consideration the expectances and specific needs of the patient. At this point, the doctor also provides information about some precautions that should be taken before, during and after the hair transplantation. While performing the hair transplant, after gathering of the grafts, a local sedation is administered to the transplant area. After the anaesthesia kicks in, using the sapphire blades, small incisions are made to the points in the recipient area, into which the hair follicles are imbedded in the scalp. When this short procedure is finished, dressing is applied to the patient and thus the hair transplant via Sapphire FUE technique is completed.
The main advantages of hair transplantation via Sapphire FUE can be given as follows:
- Use of the sapphire blade’s natural material causes less vibration and less tissue damage.
- This technique results in a very natural outcome.
- Since complications after hair transplantation via Sapphire FUE are at a very minimum, the patient can have a speedy return to his/her daily and social activities.
- This technique enables the follicles to be placed in the channels in a very natural angle.
- The incisions that are made with the sapphire blade do not harm the bloodstream, nor cause scars to the tissue. This enables the transplanted follicles to embed even faster and better in their new spot.
- Used on patients, who are allergic or sensitive against metals, it minimises the risk of allergic reactions.
- Since Sapphire is a natural gemstone, the blades used to administer the incisions for hair transplant, made out of sapphire, have anti-bacterial qualities. Thus, restraining the risks for infections.
- The main disadvantages of hair transplantation via Sapphire FUE can be summed up as follows:
- To enable the gathering of hair follicles, the hairs on the donor area needs to be cut very short.
- If the gathering of hair follicles on the donor area- usually the neck- is not done carefully, afterwards the hair in this region may become thinner.
- The sapphire FUE hair transplantation technique cannot be administered to every patient. Particularly patients with thin hair should not get hair transplants, using this technique.
Click Here for Further Information About The Sapphire FUE Hair Transplant Technique
2. DHI Hair Transplant Technique
DHI, in full means ‘Direct Hair Implantation’. The DHI technique is performed by means of a medicinal pen, called choi, employed by specialized doctors to harvest the grafts and implant them. While performing hair transplantation via DHI, one of the most frequently used methods in modern medicine, no incisions or channels are inflicted to the scalp. The hair implant can be administered directly, using the choi-pen. Similar to the Sapphire FUE technique, local sedation is applied to the transplant ares in this method of hair transplantation as well, and the final goal is a speedy return to patient’s normal social life.
As before any aesthetic surgery procedure, before DHI hair transplant is performed, the patient is pre-examined by the doctor, who also determines the patient’s wishes and expectations and thus decides on the specific procedure. The hair transplant via DHI starts by administering local anaesthesia to the subject area and by relieving the hair follicles. Followed by implanting the hair follicles into the transplant area on the scalp. Since the choi has a very sharp and thin pointed blade, the follicles can be directly implanted using this device.
The advantages of hair transplantation via DHI can be listed as follows:
- Both procedures of harvesting and implanting the hair follicles into the scalp, can be administered simultaneously. Which leads to rapid embedding of the hair roots in their new spot.
- This technique enables a denser implantation and results in a very natural outcome.
- Utilising the choi makes it possible to implant the follicles without delay, thus minimizing the risk of damages to the hair root.
- DHI does not damage the existing hairs.
- The patient can return to his/her normal activities in a very short while.
- The disadvantages of hair transplantation via DHI can be listed as follows:
- This technique needs to be administered by very qualified doctors. A very meticulous training is required. Therefor not all doctors are equally successful in administering this technique.
- Compared to other hair transplant techniques, DHI is a bit more expensive.
- A very high level of concentration and caution is required during implementation of DHI procedures. The patient needs to make sure, to choose a thrust-worthy clinic and a competent doctor.
Click Here for More Details On DHI Hair Transplantation
Some Clues for a Successful Hair Transplant
Naturally, all patients undergoing hair transplantation want to achieve optimal results from the procedure. To be able to achieve the best possible result, we have listed some basic rules to follow:
- One must be certain that a hair transplant is necessary.
- Thoroughly investigate both the hair transplantation clinic and doctor. Only a correct choice can lead to a satisfying result.
- Inform the attending doctor if you suffer from diabetes, any cardiovascular condition or ulcers before undergoing the hair transplant procedure.
- The doctor will provide you with information about some precautions to take before and after the surgery. To ensure the best possible result, follow these considerations meticulously.
- Especially the first 2 weeks after the hair transplantation procedure, you should protect yourself from any trauma.
- The patient should have no fear from undergoing the surgery and conduct the process highly motivated.
- Hair care is highly effective in the heath of your hair. After undergoing the procedure, you should administer good hair care for the rest of your life.
In our clinics in Moscow and Istanbul, we as Victoria Bogart Hair offer the best possible service, using the newest generation technology, with our team of doctors highly specialized in their field. We achieve very satisfactory results, on hundreds of people from all over the world, wo want to have a hair transplant. Do not hesitate to contact us for an appointment. We would kindly like to remind you, that we are always available for you to contact us for additional information.
Hair transplantation is really about relocating (transplanting) the bald resistant hair follicles from the back of the head to the balding areas on the top of the head. This process works for a lifetime because the hair follicles taken from the back of the head are genetically resistant to baldness, regardless of where they are relocated to.
The goal for most hair transplant surgeries at Victoria Bogart is to provide an aesthetic or cosmetic effect that mimics your natural hair growth as closely as possible. You can see from these real client result pictures how natural the results can be. We achieve these results by studying your hair growth patterns, understanding your loss progression and working with the donor hair you have available. The doctors employ specific techniques when designing age-appropriate hairlines and strategizing specifically where and how to plant each graft.
Patients are given local anesthesia in the donor and recipient areas. Most patients find that once the anesthesia is given that they feel no pain or discomfort during the surgery. Following surgery patients will typically feel some amount of soreness and numbness, with some mild discomfort. Most patients are pleasantly surprised by how minimal the discomfort from the surgical procedure is.
With today’s very refined micro hair transplantation procedure the incisions are very small and less invasive than past procedures. This results in more rapid healing. Most patients feel fine within a day or two following surgery, although some numbness and mild soreness can be expected for several days following surgery.
The full impact of hair transplant surgery can be experienced after approximately 8 months, when we typically see the majority of grafts producing viable hair follicles. In the months immediately after your surgery, your grafts will go through a number of phases and the follicles may fall out before the graft starts producing new hairs.
In FUE, the individual holes produced by extraction will produce small, almost imperceptible scars. When FUE is performed, extractions are dispersed widely throughout the donor zone to reduce concentrated stress and minimize appearance. The hair transplant scars produced are very small and hard to see.
The Donor Zone is the area at the back and side of your head where the hair grafts are taken from. You’ll notice that as men lose their hair, the back and sides are generally still intact even after the front and crown have receded. The hair that grows in the donor zone is less susceptible to pattern baldness and maintains this resilience even after being transplanted to a different area.
3 Days
5-6 Hours
Sedation Method, Local Anesthesia.
7-10 Days